Recent News and Commitments from Electrify Heat members

Electrify Heat’s members have been very busy in recent months. You can read some of the latest highlights here. Cornwall-based company, Kensa’s new factory can deliver more than 30,000 new ground source heat pumps a year. The Ground Source Heat Pump Association has launched an online training scheme to increase the understanding of heat pumps, […]

Electrifying home heating is a no-regrets option for Britain

By the 2030s, everyone should be benefiting from low carbon, highly efficient heating technology. Our new campaign of businesses, green finance, NGOs and consumer groups wants to make it happen faster. By Edward Robinson This article was originally published on BusinessGreen on 12 October 2021 The causes of the ongoing ‘energy crunch’ will be debated […]

Electrify Heat response to Heat and Buildings Strategy

The race to electrify heat has got off the starting blocks with last week’s Heat & Buildings Strategy, backed at the highest level with the Prime Minister promising everyone in the country that the next time their boiler packs up, an electric heat pump will be the affordable, common-sense replacement.

Brightest stars in UK energy launch campaign for electrified home heating

Leading energy suppliers, consumer groups, certification bodies, trade associations and NGOs to push for the fastest possible uptake of affordable electric heat pump technology in British homes. A new campaign group, Electrify Heat, has formed to lead the UK switch from gas and oil boilers to electric heat pumps, which will be needed to meet […]