Priorities for clean heat: 8 steps to supercharge clean, efficient home heating

Download a PDF version Download PDF Priorities for clean heat: 8 steps to supercharge clean, efficient home heating to lower bills, boost security, and create jobs. 1. Remove levies from electricity bills Lower the running cost of electricity and, by extension, heat pumps. Progress with consultations to restructure the way that levies are paid on […]

What the March updates mean for clean heat policy: 3 key takeaways

Download PDF The government has made a series of announcements to the UK’s policy on clean heat. Overall, it’s something of a mixed bag – with updates on the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS), Clean Heat Market Mechanism (CHMM) and standards for gas boilers. Below, we take each area in turn, and consider the key take-aways […]

Letter to Claire Coutinho on the Clean Heat Market Mechanism

Download Letter Re: Support for the Clean Heat Market Mechanism Dear Secretary of State, Following recent reports that the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero is considering scrapping the Clean Heat Market Mechanism (CHMM), we are writing to you as a cross-industry coalition to express our support for the policy, and to encourage you […]

The Clean Heat Market Mechanism

Download PDF What is the Clean Heat Market Mechanism? The Clean Heat Market Mechanism (CHMM) is designed to drive investment in high-quality production and installation of clean, efficient heat pumps; future-proofing the UK’s heating appliance supply chain and creating new green jobs in our industrial heartlands. The CHMM provides a clear framework and incentive structure […]

November Heat Pump Policy Update

Download a PDF version Download PDF November Update: Autumn Statement, Clean Heat Market Mechanism Announcement, and Boiler Upgrade Scheme stats It’s been a whirlwind week in the world of heat pump policy, with a flurry of positive announcements and publications from across Government. Here are the highlights. Autumn Statement The Autumn Statement saw welcome announcements. […]

MP Briefing: The Future Homes Standard

Download a PDF version Download PDF What (and where) is the Future Homes Standard? Government ambition is for the homes of the future to be built to highly efficient standards with low carbon heating, predominantly heat pumps. The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) will amend Building Regulations, mandating new houses to be […]

Getting the BUS rolling: Unlocking the potential of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme

Download a PDF version Download PDF The first year of the Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) has seen lower than anticipated uptake – with only about half of the first year’s £150 million budget, which subsidises the cost of heat pump installation, claimed. With a first-year underspend of £90 million, how can the Department for Energy […]

Electrify Heat coalition welcomes the Clean Heat Market Mechanism

Download a PDF version of this statement using the following link: Download PDF The Electrify Heat coalition welcomes the Clean Heat Market Mechanism and applauds the government for matching ambition with action. The policy puts electrification at the centre of the Government’s ambition to decarbonise heat. The electrification of heat in the UK and in […]